Trust Chrome Extension

Visit the official Trust Wallet website ( and navigate to the download or extension section. Official announcements and information about browser extensions, if available, sho

Trust Wallet Chrome extension. Trust Wallet primarily existed as a mobile application for iOS and Android devices, providing users with a secure way to manage and store various cryptocurrencies.

However, developments and updates in the cryptocurrency space can occur rapidly, and new features or extensions may have been introduced since then. To check for the most current information regarding a Trust Wallet Chrome extension, follow these steps:

  1. Official Website: Visit the official Trust Wallet website ( and navigate to the download or extension section. Official announcements and information about browser extensions, if available, should be provided on the website.

  2. Browser Extension Stores: Check the Chrome Web Store for any official Trust Wallet browser extensions. Navigate to the Chrome Web Store and search for "Trust Wallet." If there's an official extension, it should be listed there.

  3. Official Social Media Channels: Follow Trust Wallet's official social media channels, especially Twitter or other communication platforms, for announcements and updates regarding new features, extensions, or integrations.

  4. Contact Trust Wallet Support: If you cannot find information through the above steps, consider reaching out to Trust Wallet support through official channels. They can provide accurate and up-to-date information on the availability of a Chrome extension.

  5. Community Forums: Check community forums or discussion platforms related to Trust Wallet. Users often share information about new features or extensions, and you may find community discussions on this topic.

Remember to download any software or extensions directly from official sources to ensure security and avoid potential phishing scams. Be cautious of third-party sources, as they may not be reliable or secure.

Keep in mind that the information provided here is based on my last update in January 2022, and developments may have occurred since then. For the most accurate and current information, refer to the official Trust Wallet website and documentation or contact Trust Wallet support directly.

Last updated